Fue hair transplant in Lahore - best option
Many people search best clinic for hair transplant in Lahore
so that they can get best results. Hair restoration is a surgical method
whereby individual hair follicles are transplanted from the donor site to the
recipient area. Basically, it is used to
treat the male pattern baldness. There are a number of ways and techniques. Previously
FUT procedure was most commonly performed but now latest method replaced and
Fue hair transplant in Lahore frequently asked procedure.
FUE basically stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. With
this technique, the individual follicles containing about 1-4 hairs are removed
at a time under a local anesthesia. Micro removal techniques apply tiny punches
of approximately 0.6 to 1.0 mm. The surgeon then carefully uses tiny micro
blades and small needles to create holes in the recipient area so as to implant
the follicles. The holes are created in a specific order and a particular
design. All of this is done under local anesthesia so you need not to worry.
The wounds are angled in a consistent pattern to create a realistic hair
fashion. Now the final part is done and the individual grafts are placed in
their relative sites.
However this is not as simple as it is explained. Follicular
Unit Extraction takes place in a single, time consuming session. Also it is
more costly and expensive than the relatively simpler method of Strip Surgery. The
time of the Follicular Unit Extraction Surgery is not fixed. It varies from
surgeon to surgeon depending upon their experience, their speed of work and
lastly on the characteristics of patients’ hair. Fue procedure can be opted for
small multiple sessions or single mega session consisting of 4000-5000 grafts.
Not everybody is recommended FUE. Patients are filtered out for FUE on the
basis of a fox test.
FUE has numerous advantages. First of all it gives very
natural results. Secondly it is also beneficial over the strip surgery method
where large areas of scalp tissues are harvested. In the Follicular Unit
Extraction method no such linear incision takes place. Moreover the FUE does
not leave a linear scar or any marks of the surgery. As discussed above that
individual follicles are removed so only small scars remain which are only
visible upon close observation with a magnifying glass. These are invisible to
naked eye. There is no post-surgical pain or any kind of discomfort after the
FUE. Follicular Unit Extraction is a fast and quick process. Its results or
final outcome at par with strip surgery. The patient fully recovers in less
than a week after the surgery.
However as there are two sides to every picture, the
disadvantages includes the increased time and its higher cost. Moreover it is
very challenging for the new surgeons as it is a difficult method. The surgery
demands experience and practice. It is also a fact that
FUE is getting more popularity all over the world. However it is also accepted truth that new
surgeons have greater transection or wastage ration while extraction follicular
units. If you are considering Fue hair transplant in Lahore then Dr.Ahmad
Chaudhry is a recommended and experienced hair restoration surgeon with minimum
transection rate.
To get more information regarding Fue hair transplant inLahore or how much does hair transplant cost in Lahore visit website.