Hair Transplant Side effects

You are wearing nice cloth. You have fashion sense and you are modern according to the society requirements but beside all this you are going through hair loss or having bald head, your personality and looks would be ruined. The most effective way of getting back your self-confidence is hair transplant surgery but most of us never interested to know the side effects and drawbacks of any surgical procedure due to rush in order to get our problem fixed. This is very normal for a person who is seeking to get back his personality but a person should always keep in mind the harmful effects of any surgery. The disadvantages of this process vary from person to person. Some people just enjoy the benefits hence others also suffer from some side effects. In some people these side effects occur within some days of surgery and some will face it after some time.
Here are some of the side effects of hair transplant.

1: Infections:
                This is the common and very early side effect of hair transplant surgery. This side effect may noticed after surgery. It happens due to unhygienic surgical instruments and inexperienced surgeons. This is common in almost all types of surgeries. If a surgeon do not clean the scalp of patient properly it may happen.
2: Pain:
                Like every surgery this side effect is common. A mild pain can be noticed during operation or after operation. Some patient don’t feel pain at all. Surgeon will give some pain relievers to patient which will be needed for one or two days and patient will feel all good about pain.
3: Itching:
                Itching can occur in a patient as a side effect due to scab formation. The itching can controlled by shampooing. Special moisturizers are also available for this problem but if the problem persist after a few days or itching tease the patient beyond tolerance patient should consult dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon.
4: Hiccups:
                You can feel surprised to read this word but yes this is true. Hiccups are also a side effect of this surgery but this occur only in 5% to 7% of the people. Doctor prescribe medication if this persist after few days of surgery.
5: Bleeding:
                Wounds are very minor and heal after time but some people may experience bleeding right after surgery. If the bleeding does not stop (which happens in rare cases) doctor will have to do some extra stitching.

 6: Swelling:
                Swelling may occur in this procedure around the forehead and eye area. This swelling will go with time within a few days.
7: Scarring:
                Scarring is not very common. It is just common when patient have genetically problem of scarring.
8: Cysts:
                Cysts are not harmful. They appear in the recipient area due to deeper pushing of hair follicle in the skin. Cysts go away with in few days. If it does not go away patient should talk to doctor.
9: Thinning of hair:
                This is also called shedding or shock loss. This happens due to improper grafting and inexperienced hands. Some patients may experience partial baldness.
10: Numbness:
                Patient may complain about numbness and this can persist a few weeks. This is temporary side effect of the  hair restoration surgery.

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